
I just wanted to thank all of you for your support in reaching my goal. I hope this gives you a glimpse of life here in Bolivia, and encourages you to come for a visit! I apologize if I don't update regularly, as you know I am technologically challenged. However, rest assured you are always in my thoughts.

October 31, 2011


Our first day at the branch in Guayaquil, Ecuador with our wonderful host Natalia.

                                           Gricelda helping cook...scary!

Even though they work their territory EVERY week there was not one house that didn't listen. 

This convention is in partiular special, because almost everyone there as been serving where the need is great for some time.  So its encouraging to hear their experiences and see the sacrifices they've made.

The Disctrict Convention at the beautiful grounds at Guayaquil, Branch.  The only hang up is that Guayaquil is terrible we had to be so careful because the year before a taxi kidnapped a sister and held her hostage...your in a spiritual paradise... and then you have to face reality!
The waterfalls at Los Banos were impressive...cold day and we got soaked but still had a blast!

This was our awesome host family. Jose, Celine, Santiago, and Janet are all in the Quichua language congregation.  Jose and Celine are newly married and substitute C.O.s she's only 19 talk about responsibility and an awesome priviledge! Santiago and Janet have been in full-time service for 23 years and were special pioneers even after they had their 2 kids. Incredible examples and so much fun!

Poor chickens hehe on the roof of the bus for a long cold ride to The Crater!

Quilotoa Crater...It's so cool to think you are in a volcano and the water still bubbles!

Jose taking the opportunity to share the good news with this Quichua lady who live on the crater.

Okay always been a dream of mine to ride on a donkey...But of course fittingly just like it's rider mine had major stomach issues!...which made for an "interesting" ride!

The erosions from volcanic eruptions makes for a gorgeous landscape.

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La Paz

This is our first view of Bolivia. Very high and very cold La Paz.

Bolivian Branch

Our beginning at the Bolivian Branch.


Our new adoptive parents Lionel & Carmen! They were so welcoming and took us to our first Bolivian Sign Language meeting.

1st day in service

1st day in service
Our 1st day in service in Bolivia. Santa Cruz was very sandy and very hot!!! We all got blistery burns to remember this day!


My 1st householder...her and her whole family!

Santa Cruz Plaza

Santa Cruz Plaza
Santa Cruz Plaza 24 de Septiembre


I don't think we have enough luggage!

1st Night in Sucre

1st Night in Sucre
I found bed bugs so I decided to make good use of my new sleeping bag! Thanks G!

Informal Service

Informal Service
This guard that Abed started a study with came to the C.O. visit and plans to come to all Sunday meetings.

Para Ti!

Para Ti!
Sally, the missionary sister on the left is so understanding. To ease us into our 1st day in service in Sucre she took us for a tour of the chocolate factory kind of service!


Our very 1st protest march yay it's a favorite past time here in Bolivia.


We have been able to start a lot of studies with these ladies. Many come into the city from the countryside to sell their produce. We try to buy a little from each one to have has many conversations...and to keep the peace.

Take a moment to enjoy the view

Take a moment to enjoy the view


Dogs...they're everywhere! Either you are running from them or running into the "presents" they leave on the sidewalk!

AAAh the showers on fire!

AAAh the showers on fire!
Literally the electrical wires burst into flames while I was in there!

Faces of Sucre

Faces of Sucre


Traditional garb consists of hat, braids with beaded balls hanging from them, blouse, and flirty knee length skirt.

Carolina and her famous Colombian hot dogs!

Carolina and her famous Colombian hot dogs!
These hot dogs are the bomb! They have carrot sauce, pineapple, crushed potato chips, and her magic sauce. The bros. gather here Friday nights to get there regular fix :)

Pique de Macho

Pique de Macho
Which means so spicy only the most Macho Man can eat it! It has eggs, every kind of meat, veggies, all over a big plate of fries. "Interesting" combination. (Many of the Bolivian dishes are served over fries)

Bolivian Jam Session

Bolivian Jam Session
The brother on the left one the national competion...His fingers move so fast it's really incredible.

Good times at Bolivian Dance Parties!

Good times at Bolivian Dance Parties!

We even taught them country line dances!

We even taught them country line dances!


About 2 hrs from Sucre is Tarabuco. A town that is know for it's indigenous crafts.

Mas de Tarabuco

Mas de Tarabuco
Could it be? Yes it is! ....but we only use it in tea for altitude sickness :)


The kids here follow us asking for literature or for us to read scriptures to them. It is truly heartwarming how eager they are to be taught the Bible.

Service in the countryside

Service in the countryside

What a view! Too bad below it's a community landfill!

What a view! Too bad below it's a community landfill!

My study's pig

My study's pig
She can get nasty if you get near her little ones!

The babies!

The babies!

More Pigs!

More Pigs!
Ok this made me want to go vegetarian again, when I saw what they were eating!

Sweet Experience

Sweet Experience
The older girl on the right came us to us in service. Her name is Natalia, she asked, "do you preach the Word of God?" We said "yes of course." She proceeded to ask for us to read it to her and come back and study the Bible with her. When we came back we got lost finding her house. We were praying to find her and were about to give up...when out of nowhere she came running up to us. She and her little sister are studying and the mom has also accepted a study now. awwww.

La Recolecta's View of Sucre

La Recolecta's View of Sucre

Life's good

Life's good

Geech's last day in Sucre :(

Geech's last day in Sucre :(





Killer Frog that shoots poison out of it's mouth!

Killer Frog that shoots poison out of it's mouth!


The very welcoming congregation of Cotoca. I stayed with them the week of the Zone Visit. It is extremely hot and humid and the bugs were insane, but the bros and sis. made me love it all the same.

My new friend

My new friend

My 1st Bolivian mani/pedi...and for a total of $4!

My 1st Bolivian mani/pedi...and for a total of $4!

Day before Zone Visit clean up

Day before Zone Visit clean up

After clean up ice cream celebration

After clean up ice cream celebration



My awesome Bolivian host family

My awesome Bolivian host family

C.O. Visit- These are all of our regular pioneers and our little pioneers in the making.

C.O. Visit- These are all of our regular pioneers and our little pioneers in the making.

Another protest

Another protest
The people are not happy with the president right now so there are a lot of these going on...

Lil French Arturo showing his Bolivian Pride.

Lil French Arturo showing his Bolivian Pride.

The Girls

The Girls
These are the girls from Mesa Verde. All but one are from France. Some things get lost in translation but they're great girls and we have a lot of fun!

Once a week now we're playing in door volleyball.

Once a week now we're playing in door volleyball.
You can't beat unlimited play time for only 25c/ person!

Service with Sur congregation

Service with Sur congregation
Damaris is on the left she is a spec. pioneer and a lawyer, and has been such a help to me with my visa issues. Here in the middle is Carmen, she and her sister have been here as missionaries for 30 yrs! Both are awesome examples for me.

Service with Mesa Verde Congregation

Service with Mesa Verde Congregation

Preaching here is everything and more than what I dreamed it would be....

Preaching here is everything and more than what I dreamed it would be....


The French girls and I in Tarija. The Bolivia-Argentina border better known as wine country.

The Vineyards Wine, Wine, and well more Wine!

The Vineyards Wine, Wine, and well more Wine!
This might be a good time to let you know that I had many fabulous pictures of me, grapes, and other facinating things....but my camera got stolen. So the girls donated their pics and we will see the trip through French eyes :)

Daniella (on the left) was our host. It was great because she speaks English, Spanish, and French, so we actually could communicate okay for THIS part of the trip!

Casa Vieja Vineyard

Casa Vieja Vineyard
This is Casa Vieja (Old House) A vineyard that has been in the family for 400yrs. The house they are purposefully letting fall apart. It's comical every time you go to walk you have to watch us because the house is literally crumbling, but very charming.

Casa Vieja

Casa Vieja

Beautiful Parque de Flores in Tarija

Beautiful Parque de Flores in Tarija
Our Bolivian mama Mirta on the right.



Salta, Argentina

Salta, Argentina
With our amazing host Cristina. She really was a sister born for distress, and was really supportive when I had more visa issues....


I didn't want to leave Argentina. It really is the Europe of S. America. The Plazas are filled with out door cafes and stylish people.

Saltenans are very proud of their heritage.


I once was not a big fan of red meat...that all changed in Argentina. It is so gooood and you eat it about twice a day! Then theres the amazing empanadas and gelato like icecream. I guiltlessly packed on the pounds here :)

View of Salta from The San Bernadine Mountains

View of Salta from The San Bernadine Mountains

The Waterfalls

The Waterfalls

The wonderful welcoming Salta Congregation

The wonderful welcoming Salta Congregation
It's interesting that in Argentina they have there own unique accent. When there is a (y) or (ll) they pronounce it as (jsh). So it sounds really cool when they sing together.

Folkfloric Dancing in Salta

Folkfloric Dancing in Salta
It's a big part of the culture dancing and live music.

Santiago and Cristina with Santiago's nephew

Santiago and Cristina with Santiago's nephew
He moves so fast, he invited me up for a dance but when he spun me I went fliying into the stage and fell in front of everyone :o ! Some things never change...

Argentinians love their night life

Argentinians love their night life
This street was so much fun. Every restaurant is folkloric dancing and music. The couples from the hall took us out every night to experience it all. The only thing is Argentinians get started late they'll eat dinner about 10pm and the buses are packed up to 1/2am with families! We couldn't keep up with the pace after a while, and were falling asleep in our dinners!

Saying our goodbyes to our new fun-loving friends.

Saying our goodbyes to our new fun-loving friends.




We took the 4 a.m. bus and arrived here by noon in the north of Argentina. It's a small town with the main attraction being the ruins here of an ancient civilization.

Making our way up the path. The scenery reminded me of Arizona...big cactuses and big sky.

Making our way up the path. The scenery reminded me of Arizona...big cactuses and big sky.

Monument in memory of the Tilcara peoplet

Monument in memory of the Tilcara peoplet

The Tilcara people basicly died off due to Colonial oppression.

The Tilcara people basicly died off due to Colonial oppression.

The beautiful natural wonder of the 7 colored mountains of Purmamarca.

The beautiful natural wonder of the 7 colored mountains of Purmamarca.

This Guy is the biggest attraction in Humauaca.

This Guy is the biggest attraction in Humauaca.



Back to Bolivia!

Back to Bolivia!
After many prayers and many consulates I was finally given a visa to reenter Bolivia. This was probably the scariest experience I've ever been through, but also the most faith strengthening. I hope to now obtain the 1 year visa and really start life here.

My 1st Assembly in Bolivia

My 1st Assembly in Bolivia

Rachel from Potosi

Rachel from Potosi
Rachel and her husband Ricardo are special pioneers from Potosi. She has such an inspirational story that I would definitely want to be next to her during the great trib. On her side are her studies whom she has taught how to read and write. Although the study is very poor and still new she made the 4 hr journey with all her kids by herself.

My big brother and sister here Ben and Sally.

My big brother and sister here Ben and Sally.
They are missionaries here, but are the most down to earth people you'll ever meet. They have made such a positive impact on the La Plata congregation.

My study Carmen

My study Carmen
She made the effort to come in spite of much opposition. Later she told people she didn't want to leave the loving atmosphere of the assembly and go back into the world


David is blind, but he doesn't let that stop him from studying the Bible. He studies with Javier 3 times a week using his brail Bible. He even holds a meeting in his house in the countryside once every month. He gives such heartfelt comments and is making fine progress. An excellent example for all.

Lunch with our hardworking missionaries

Lunch with our hardworking missionaries
They are such a fun group.

It's Party Time!

It's Party Time!
Many of the friends are going back to their countries. So this was a nice time to get together the whole congregation for a going away party. We had it on the roof top of an brothers building and had a great time.

Monica and Ross entertained us with their indigenous dances.

Monica and Ross entertained us with their indigenous dances.

Getting our dance on!

Getting our dance on!
Take a closer look at Luke in the back he's really getting into it!


The teachers were on strike for weeks here. Well they decided to do what all Bolivians do and that is blockades. All main roads they pile high with rocks and at night start fires in the roads so no one can get through. That's fine except we were going to Padilla, a town where there are no witnesses to have the memorial, and got stuck for about 3 hrs. It was pretty unnerving, but we finally arrived about 2 a.m. to Padilla.

Damaris and Debbie

Damaris and Debbie
Our first day of the invitation work in Padilla. This town is really what I had pictured Bolivia would be like. It's small and quiet and everyone knows everyone in the town.

In Padilla you're in a Valley and are surrounded by beautiful scenary

In Padilla you're in a Valley and are surrounded by beautiful scenary

I do believe this pig is taking a load off after a long walk

I do believe this pig is taking a load off after a long walk

The horseholder

The horseholder
I was trying to get to this door to leave the invitation, but the horse wouldn't let me. So I was joking giving my presentation to it when the householder opened the door laughing, she had heard the whole thing!


I told this lady I love donkeys can I take a picture? Then I asked her does your Burro have a name? She said yes. I said oh cool what is it? She replied...Burro. que??

There is a sister serving by herself in Sorano 1 hr away.

There is a sister serving by herself in Sorano 1 hr away.
When we came across a slight obstacle...

I have to admit I was holding my breath on this one!

I have to admit I was holding my breath on this one!

We finally made it to do the watchtower with the Sorano group

We finally made it to do the watchtower with the Sorano group
Between the rivers and windy roads poor Karl lost his stomach along the way...(I have a picture of that too, but I think he'd be a little annoyed if I put that one up!)

The people were really humble here and would stop and listen well.

The people were really humble here and would stop and listen well.

The town is known for their Ahi that they make. They even have festivals.

The town is known for their Ahi that they make. They even have festivals.
Aahh boca en fuego!

We all had a good time in our seldom worked territory group

We all had a good time in our seldom worked territory group

Memorial at our new freshly painted and cleaned meeting place. They're now having sunday meetings!

Memorial at our new freshly painted and cleaned meeting place. They're now having sunday meetings!
Padilla 0 publishers/ 35 attendance La Plata (my cong) 80 publishers/ 355 attendance. As the numbers show there is much room for growth and that is why you should all come down!

Back in Sucre

Back in Sucre
There are so many kids coming to meetings and progressing on their own. So we never pass up an opportunity to talk with them.

There are a lot of little people here this is actually a normal size!

There are a lot of little people here this is actually a normal size!

My first anticucho (heart) It's supposed to be a delicacy here.

My first anticucho (heart) It's supposed to be a delicacy here.
Needless to say with my stomach this was not a good idea! ...But ill try anything once :)

The long hike up churuquolla mountain

The long hike up churuquolla mountain
It's supposed to be a holy mountain for catholics. You'll see hundreds of people going up with candles on Easter.

Finally we made it to the top!

Finally we made it to the top!
But what we found behind the statue was shocking. Here there is the typical mix of indigenous beliefs and christianity. Easter had just past and there were strangled animals behind the statue sacfrificed to the Pachamama (mother earth) yuck!

A Testimony

A Testimony
Interesting enough someone had put up scriptures about Jah being the only true God that should be worshipped all over the base of the statue.

An awesome grill out lunch with the Gutierrez family and Joyce (the blonde) my roomate.

An awesome grill out lunch with the Gutierrez family and Joyce (the blonde) my roomate.
They are one of the families expresses the most appreciation for need greaters , and so they are special to us.

Al Castillo de la Glorieta

Al Castillo de la Glorieta
This is a castle a little outside of the city where a Princess used to live. We were having a race up the stairs of the tower not realizing how MANY there were!

The view fromt the top

The view fromt the top
Now there is a military training center on site

The guys... my brothers here

The guys... my brothers here
We have a lot of fun Nathan(canada), Pablo(here), and Willie(canada).

The princess not of royal blood

The princess not of royal blood
Her and are husband became princes not, because of royal blood line, but because of charitable work. They couldn't have children so they had a whole castle full of orphans they had adopted.


Service in the back of a pickup truck

We have a great group of young people that come out and support

We have a great group of young people that come out and support

Ana Maria and Abigail

Ana Maria and Abigail
This experience is my best yet. I was praying last saturday Jah what should I do with Anamaria? She just doesn't seem that interested, and I have other people that need my attention if she's not going to progress. I stopped by sunday on a whim to invite her to the special talk. She walked 30 min with the baby to get their to my surprise. Then tues. I show up for her study and she hands me a letter. It's 4 pages long front and back telling me not to give up on her. She wrote that I am her best friend and that no one has ever shown her interest in her life. Because of her past she wrote "I am nervous and timid so I will write you how I feel." She also said if you go to the states please don't forget about me, because I have so many questions and I need to keep learning. Since then she has been at all the meetings. So without a doubt Jah definitely answered my prayer.

Isabel and Alejandra

Isabel and Alejandra
These are 2 studies that I have high hopes for. They are in the black market and we study in their shops. First Isabel got Alejandra studying now Alejandra got Veronica studying...I think we're going to have a study with the whole market by the time we're done!